Monday, October 14, 2013

Robin Thicke Says His Son Has A Future In The Music Business (VIDEO)

At just 3 years old, R&B superstar Robin Thicke and actress Paula Patton’s son Julian Fuego is already following in his father's footsteps. In this clip from "Oprah's Next Chapter," Thicke tells Oprah, "He sings all day long. If he saw a stage he would jump right on this stage and start singing."

"One time," Thicke says, "I'm driving him home from school and he says, 'Daddy, I'm gonna to buy a stage.' And I said, 'Well, you're going to have to save up your piggy bank. That's going to cost a lot of money.' He says, 'Well, I'm gonna fly to New York, I'm gonna get a stage, Daddy, and I'm gonna sing three songs and they gonna pay me, Daddy.'"

"I'm like, you must hear Daddy on the phone or something," Thicke laughs. "He writes all his own songs and he even says, 'Daddy, this one is for the radio and this one is for the album.' Like he is born to be in music."

"He loves to dance," Thicke adds. "It's the cutest thing in the world."

"How has it changed you, being a father?" Oprah asks.

"As you know in this business, it's so easy to become self-obsessed where everything in your head and in your heart and in your schedule is all about you," he says.

"It's such a tough business," he continues. "But with him, he shows up and all of a sudden -- the times when I would be sitting there thinking about my music or myself or my problems – all of a sudden he walks in and the sun comes in the room. And you don't care about your problems or your issues and the stuff you dwell on all day. You just have a star shining right in front of you, so it changes everything."

"Don't you love that three-year-old voice?" Oprah says.

"Oh God, my favorite thing in the world is 'I wuv you, Daddy.'" he imitates. "Just the best part of every day."

"Will there be more kids?" Oprah asks.

"I don't think so," Thicke says. "We kind of nailed this. We kind of knocked it out of the park. I don't think we can top little Julian."

"Oprah's Next Chapter" airs Sundays at 9 p.m. ET on OWN.

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