Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Amy Schumer's 'I'm So Bad' Sketch Hilariously Takes Down Food-Shaming

If you've ever judged an important meeting by whether you ate too many complimentary doughnuts, prepare to feel very, very silly.

On the April 8 episode of "Inside Amy Schumer," the comedian hits us again with her exacting cultural awareness. The scene is familiar: four women out to lunch. But the gathering takes a sinister (albeit hilarious) turn when the gang lists off a host of morally reprehensible acts followed by periods of overeating. Obviously, the calorie indulgences inspire greater concern.

"I was cyberbullying my niece on Instagram the other day an I literally ate 15 mini muffins," Schumer announces. It's okay, they're "the opposite of big" and "basically nothing!" her friends counsel.

"Yesterday I knelt on my gerbil to see what sound it would make and afterwards I ate a ball of mozzarella like it was a peach," shares Greta Lee, who you'll recognize as Soochin from "Girls." "That's like, negative calories" her friends console. Wait, what about the gerbil?

Schumer's sketch is only a slight exaggeration of interactions real women often have. Too often we treat food cravings as an uncontrollable affliction our friends must delicately coax us through. (One woman in the sketch "can't get out of bed without a calzone." Her friends are deeply sympathetic.)

Of course, we laugh because it's true. A dieting dichotomy of "good" and "bad" has become so commonplace that you're essentially forced to comply. Schumer's "I'm So Bad" has the same brand of painfully precise humor as last year's "Compliments" sketch, which skewered women's inability to accept praise without self-deprecation. Because misery loves company, right?

Hopefully, this love affair will soon come to an end. The women in "I'm So Bad" remind us to stop ourselves next time we publicly lament a few extra calories. It's boring and exhausting. Let's just talk about Amy and Tina instead.

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