Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Colbert Gives Tip Of The Hat To 'NY Times' For Keeping It Real With Divorce Announcements

"Still Married" announcements, drones in hunting and cars filled with spiders: these were the subjects of Monday night's absurd "Tip Of The Hat, Wag Of The Finger" on "The Colbert Report."

The segment kicked off with Colbert giving the thumbs up to "The New York Times" for keeping it real and introducing the "Unhitched" column in its wedding announcements section. But he had a few suggestions for the paper of record as well.

Watch the clip above and stay tuned to the end to find out which car not to buy if you have a thing about spiders*.

* If you don't have a thing about spiders, you probably are a spider. Stop reading this and get out of our cars, please.

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