Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Jill Duggar Is Engaged To Derick Dillard

The Duggars are adding one more to their ever-expanding family.

Jill Duggar, the 22-year-old daughter of Jim Bob and Michelle, is engaged to marry Derick Dillard, People magazine reported.

"I am so happy," she told the magazine. "Our story is so very unique. The first time we talked, he was in Japan, we met in Nepal, he spent time in India and Israel and then came back to Arkansas where he met my family. We have a very international story even though we live so close."

Jill and Derick had previously been in a courtship while living 8,000 miles away from each other, the New York Daily News reported. They spent "hours texting, calling and talking on Skype." When they finally met, they "knew within days that we wanted to spend the rest of our lives together."

The latest season of "19 Kids & Counting" focuses on courtship in the Duggar family. The parents explained to earlier this month that courtship is about "waiting for the one God has for you and praying through the whole process." There are chaperoned dates; Jim Bob and Michelle are included on all texts and intimacy (even kissing) is saved for marriage.

"The main difference between courting and dating is setting boundaries for yourself so that you don't cross over those," Jill has said on the TLC show.

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