Sunday, May 25, 2014

Fox News Host Slams Malaysian Plane Movie: It's 'Disgusting,' 'Pathetic, 'Truly Awful'

Fox News' Howard Kurtz on Sunday tore into plans for a new movie based on the lost Malaysian Airlines plane.

Flight 370 lost contact with ground control on March 8, and has been missing since. Now, director Rupesh Paul is currently shopping a trailer for a movie based on the mystery to potential investors at Cannes film festival. The trailer for the film, called "The Vanishing Act," features horrified passengers and kissing crew members.

During Media Buzz, Kurtz and Fox News contributor Lauren Ashburn blasted the movie for being a "pathetic" exploitation that is disrespectful to the families of those on board.

"This is such a horrible idea to make this exploitative movie so soon after the tragedy," Kurtz said.

"I just can't get over it," he continued. "This is pathetic."

"It is disgusting," Ashburn added.

The Fox News hosts aren't the first to give Paul some trouble over planning to make a movie about an unsolved tragedy. On Tuesday, CNN's John Berman and Michaela Pereira said they opposed the movie during an interview with the filmmaker. The co-hosts argued that it was too soon to make the film, adding that making the movie before families had closure would surely "leave a bad taste in some people's mouth."

"You're depicting these people, and the outcome is still very much unknown about them," Berman told the director. "And I shudder to think what the families who see that might think, sir.”

Paul acknowledged the criticism, but assured the CNN hosts that he is taking the situation "very seriously" and has "no intentions to hurt one single person who traveled in the flight.”

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