Monday, July 7, 2014

Kids Are Given Game Boys, Feel Instant Sadness

Ah, Game Boys. Forget your 3DS and your iPad mini: there was a day when these handheld hunks of 8-bit glory owned the playground.

But as seen above in YouTube producersThe Fine Brothers' latest "React" episode, kids today just don't get it.

The reactions are mixed at best.

"Did you really enjoy playing this?"

"I kind of feel sad for the people in the past."

To their credit, the kids are tech-savvy enough to recognize that the Game Boy enabled much of the innovation that followed.

At the end of the video, a boy named Dylan held up the device he and the other kids see as old and clunky. "The Game Boy started it all ... This is the grandfather of everything," he said. Thank you, Dylan.

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