Thursday, September 18, 2014

13 Dogs Who May Not Actually Be Dogs After All

Your dog sure acts like a dog. He barks, he eats whatever food you drop on the floor and he loves to play fetch.

But does he look like a dog? Sometimes that can be questionable. You may be wondering how so. A dog is a dog, right? Not quite. Here are 13 dogs who could very well be other things entirely.

1. This Golden Retriever could also be the King of Pride Rock.


2. Apparently "Teddy Bear" is a new breed of dog.

3. Are these two cute Shar Pei puppies or two delicious croissants you want to devour?


4. Do you know the Muffin Man? Because he is this dog.

5. Where does the dog end and the towel begin?

6. The resemblance is strong with this one.

7. And to keep it in the of "Star Wars" theme, we've found Chewbacca in dog-form.


8. Here we have a wise old man/Richard Branson.

9. These pups taste -- er, look -- just like chicken.


10. This dog serves a dual purpose.


11. This puppy sleeps just like a little lamb ... wait.


12. This Chow Chow looks just like a panda, but that's no accident.


13. And finally, this dog is Putin.

This dog looks like Putin.

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