Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Spotify Reveals What The 40 Most Musical Universities Are Listening To, And When

Spotify has calculated the 40 universities that listen to the most music and analyzed the musical taste.

Spotify, the digital music service, sorted through what type of artists college students were listening to, and which singers they can't stand. The company showed which schools stay up the latest or wake up the earliest, based on their habits on Spotify.

New York University, not surprisingly, is really into "slowcore" and hipster playlists.

The University of Colorado at Boulder is into Spotify's relax playlist, and dislikes Beyoncé. (Obviously, blasphemy)

Ohio State University is all about Childish Gambino, especially his latest album, but the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities would rather not hear his tracks at all.

For those who don't use Spotify, when you listen to its "radio" service, you can select to "Like" or "Dislike" a track, kind of like on Pandora.

The University of California-Los Angeles goes to bed later than most, around 1:45 a.m., and really isn't into Skrillex. Meanwhile, Cornell University is into EDM and tends to have a spike in listening around 6 and 7 a.m.

Cornell also really likes Lana Del Rey, but Iowa State University, the University Of Illinois Urbana-Champaign and Penn State University can't stand her. Michigan State University doesn't mind a little Lana, but they are more into skate punk than the average school.

You can peruse the top 40 schools for music from the list below to see what each school's listening habits are like.

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