Monday, October 6, 2014

Gillian Anderson Says Sexism Is 'Easy To Miss' And 'Easy To Get Used To'

Gillian Anderson thinks Hollywood sexism and everyday sexism are equally "intolerable."

In an interview with Red Magazine published on Oct. 1, the 46-year-old actress discussed the sexism she's encountered throughout her career, telling the magazine that she earned considerably less in her breakout role as special agent Dana Scully in "The X-Files" than her co-star David Duchovny.

"At the beginning, the pay disparity was massive. But that happens all the time in Hollywood," Anderson told Red Magazine's Debbie McQuoid. "It’s, 'Do this for me, I’ll get you a job.'"

Anderson also pointed out the insidious affects of everyday sexism that are equally problematic to the pay gap, telling McQuoid that sexism is "built into our society. It’s easy to miss and it’s easy to get used to it. There are things that are intolerable in today’s world, in terms of the perception of women. Whether they’re vamps or vixens... the expectation is that, if a woman is wearing a short skirt, she’s 'asking for it.'"

While it's always disheartening to learn more about Hollywood's sexism, it's refreshing to see a woman of power speaking up against it.

H/T The Hollywood Reporter

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