Thursday, October 2, 2014

Ted Nugent Slams 'Ferguson Thugs' And The 'Plague Of Black Violence'

Musician Ted Nugent took to the Internet on Wednesday to decry what he called "Ferguson thugs" and "a plague of black violence," demanding that blacks stop supporting liberals because of what he saw as biased media coverage of the recent Ferguson police shooting.

In a diatribe on World Net Daily, Nugent complained that "our national propaganda ministry reported ad nauseum the detailed description and race of Michael Brown and that of the police officer who killed him."

"Based on crime stats in Ferguson and elsewhere, it would be a safe bet to assume the two thugs the police are looking for are black males between the age of 15 and 25," Nugent added.

Continuing with his "Nuge hunch," the rocker claimed that it is a "safe bet the two thugs being searched for were raised by a single parent, have criminal records, are high school dropouts, don’t have jobs and are very likely to be members of a gang."

Nugent then turned to liberalism as the culprit behind the struggles that have "decimated and destroyed so many black families and their communities."

"It is deaf, dumb and blind liberalism that has shoveled over $20 trillion into Fedzilla’s welfare crack programs over the past 50 years," Nugent said.

The musician closed the column with: "The road to peace and prosperity in America is to reject the big liberal lie and all those who endorse it. Liberalism is a lie. Liberalism is a scam. Liberalism is a killer."

Earlier this year, Nugent went on another rant in which he referred to President Barack Obama as a "subhuman mongrel."

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