Wednesday, September 25, 2013

John Stamos Is Single And Ready To Mingle, According To John Stamos

ATTENTION LADIES: Professional handsome person John Stamos would "really like to be in a relationship."

Cancel all upcoming dates, break up with your boyfriend, file for divorce, whatever ... this is not a drill.


The Greek God / "Full House" actor sat down with InTouch to discuss his search for "Mrs. Right." “I got no moves! I think I’m being presumptuous if I hit on a girl," Stamos told the tabloid. "There have been plenty of times when I should have asked for someone’s number but I didn’t.”

Obviously, that is ridiculous. Here is a precise reenactment of literally every straight woman's reaction to even the slightest bit of attention from John Stamos:


The ageless 50-year-old used to worry when “people [would] say, ‘If you’re not married by 50, you’ll be alone [forever]."

Except, love is ageless, especially when you're John Stamos and you have aged like a fine wine.

“The world is different now," he said of his plans to look for love. "For the last 10 years, I’ve thought, ‘I’ve got to get married again and have kids!’ So I’m totally open to it.”

Welcome to a slightly more realistic version of the fantasies you already had ...


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