Thursday, November 7, 2013

90's Themed Flash Mob At University Of Delaware Promotes Awareness For Pediatric Cancer (VIDEO)

Yo tell me what you want, what you really really want!

The University of Delaware will tell you what they want, what they really really want! They want to raise money for pediatric cancer, and this 90's-themed flash mob is going to help them do it.


Because it promotes the upcoming UDance: 12-hour philanthropic dance marathon that unifies students and raises money to fight childhood cancer.

According to their site, students have raised $1.4 million over the past 7 years and have already racked up half a million dollars this year alone.

UDance is a symbol of the students' accomplishment and unity, and this flash mob was the perfect way to get ready for the big sha-bang.

[H/t Bro Bible ]

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