Thursday, November 7, 2013

Harlem Globetrotters Learn Basketball Trick From Teacher Dave Hovan (VIDEO)

Earlier this week, we highlighted the talents of a teacher who can spin and balance a basketball on his pen while using it to grade papers. The feat is so impressive that even the legendary Harlem Globetrotters wanted to learn it.

Now we get to show-and-tell you that the teacher is Dave Hovan of St. John's College High School in Washington, D.C., and -- wait for it -- he gave a bit of unconventional tutoring to the Harlem Globetrotters in the update video above!

The Harlem Globetrotters tweeted The Huffington Post directly to let us know about the amazing update to an already amazing moment captured on camera:

Hovan is an advanced placement physics teacher at St. John's, which makes sense because you need to know the rules of physics in order to break them so masterfully. Kidding aside, color us impressed by this brand-new video update and honored for being notified directly by the legendary basketball team!

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