Monday, December 16, 2013

Julia Louis-Dreyfus Makes Maryland Mad With 'Veep' Filming Comment

Julia Louis-Dreyfus made a Seilna Meyer-sized slip of the tongue when she recently spoke about filming "Veep" in Maryland.

In a feature in the latest issue of New York magazine, Dreyfus was interviewed from the set of "Veep" in a warehouse turned soundstage in Columbia, Maryland. “Thank God the work’s good. Can you imagine if it wasn’t? It would be like a prison," Dreyfus said in the article.

Now whether her comment was about the soundstage or Columbia itself (it didn't help that the article's author Jonathan van Meter described Columbia as "home to one of the dreariest American landscapes imaginable ...") Dreyfus received a backlash from the community in Maryland, prompting her to clarify on Twitter:

"Veep" isn't the only production currently being filmed in Maryland, Netflix's "House of Cards" is also filmed in the area.

Ken Ulman, executive of Howard County (where Columbia is located) fired back at Dreyfus with a video featuring his staff in a very "Veep"-like meeting discussing all the great things Columbia has to offer. The video ends with Ulman offering Dreyfus a "Get Out of Jail Free" card to see "the real Columbia."

Dreyfus' comment and the response video from Ulman started a Twitter campaign #AwesomeColumbia, where residents can tweet reasons why Columbia is better than a jail sentence.

All of this is playing out like an episode of "Veep," so hopefully the series' writers are taking notes.

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