Monday, December 23, 2013

'Wolf Of Wall Street' Academy Screening Didn't Go Well

Even critics who love Martin Scorsese's "The Wolf of Wall Street" have acknowledged that the film is an amoral romp, one that ultimately implicates the audience itself in the bad behavior that has played out on screen. Needless to say, "The Wolf of Wall Street" has become one of the year's most polarizing films, with reviews that range from fawning to outright pans. New York Magazine critic David Edelstein slammed "The Wolf of Wall Street" in his review, writing that the "movie is thumpingly insipid," but at least he didn't shout that in Scorsese's face.

As picked up by TheWrap, 75-year-old actress Hope Holiday posted to her Facebook page that Scorsese was heckled by an unnamed screenwriter following a weekend screening of "The Wolf of Wall Street" for Academy Awards voters.

last night was torture at the Academy--"The Wolf Of Wall Street"---three hours of torture--same disgusting crap over and over again---after the film they had a discussion which a lot of us did not stay for--the elevator doors opened and Leonardo D. Martin S. and a few others got out then a screen writer ran over to them and started screaming--shame on you --disgusting--

In the comments section of her Facebook post, Holiday, who starred for Billy Wilder in "The Apartment" and "Irma la Douce," revealed that she also admonished the director, but then removed herself from the situation before a fight broke out. ("I ran down the stairs.")

A representative for Paramount, the studio releasing "Wolf of Wall Street," told TheWrap that no one screamed directly at Scorsese, but one person did relay a "negative comment" to the director. HuffPost Entertainment contacted Paramount for comment on the report, and this post will be update if they respond.

This isn't the first time Scorsese's films have elicited emotional responses from audiences. As one prominent awards publicist told HuffPost Entertainment, Scorsese's 1995 film "Casino" was called "filth" during an Academy screening because of its violent content. Meanwhile, Scorsese's 1988 film "The Last Temptation of Christ" was denounced by Christian groups before it was even released.

Holiday, an Academy member, did provide some insight into the big-picture thoughts of Oscar voters in the comments section of her Facebook post. "Are there really any good films any more?" she wrote. "Maybe it'[s] just me."

[via TheWrap]

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