Tuesday, April 16, 2013

'Bones' Booth Reunites With His Mother

It took nearly a quarter of a century, but Booth finally had a reunion with his mother on "Bones," only it might not have been the reunion he'd hoped for. He was excited to see her, until the full truth of her life and the reason for her visit became clear. She was getting married and wanted her son to walk her down the aisle.

The rub for Booth was the fact that the man had two kids, and that his mother had helped raise them. "I thought you couldn’t handle a family. But I guess that was just our family," he told her angrily.

When she tried to calm him down to explain that it wasn't like that, Booth's anger wouldn't let him hear her. "You come back here to get my stamp of approval on your new life so you don’t feel guilty," he sad. "Get this. It’s been 24 years. Feel guilty!"

Booth did eventually cool, and he even walked her down the aisle at her wedding. But for Buddy TV, the most shocking moment came later when Beckett was he one who caught the bouquet. "Does this mean she's going to get on one knee to propose?" they wondered. "Why would the show have this happen if it weren't going anywhere?”

TV Fanatic had the exact same prediction, saying that having Booth's mother return like this was about "as contrived a plot device as they come."

See what happens next in their relationship on "Bones," Mondays at 8 p.m. ET on Fox.

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