Tuesday, April 16, 2013

'Castle' Goes Supernatural, Investigates Bigfoot Murder

This time, Castle was certain there was a supernatural element to the case he was investigating with Beckett. Who cares that "Castle" has never before strayed into "X-Files" territory. He thought Bigfoot was responsible for a murder that happened in the woods, and then he got seemingly irrefutable evidence that he was absolutely right.

He was investigating a giant pit in the woods when a sasquatch suddenly appeared. While Castle thought he was seeing the unimaginable, Beckett was calm and collected, and also fairly certain this was no bigfoot.

"Police! Turn around. Put you hands up," she shouted.

"Beckett, what are you doing?" Castle asked her. "Are you crazy? It can’t understand you."

But it could. The best fell into the hole and was revealed to be a bigfoot scientist who was hoping to track down a real sasquatch by dressing up as one.

Buddy TV was cracking up, writing, "Castle's reaction to nearly seeing and being eaten by Bigfoot are some of the funniest moments of the episode ... For someone so desperate to see Bigfoot, Castle sure did turn on his furry friend fast." The episode had TV Fanatic in stitches as well.

Look for the clues with "Castle" every Monday at 10 p.m. ET on ABC.

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