Wednesday, April 9, 2014

This 'Save The Date' Video Is So Freakishly Boss, It Might Rival Kimye's

What happens when two San Francisco lawyers decide to tie the knot?

This video.

According to the Above the Law blog, this is the "save the date" wedding video for Bambo Obaro and Janice Jentz -- a fourth-year Weil Gotshal associate and a family law practitioner, respectively -- who met at the University of San Francisco Law.

The couple's epic trailer features everything from night shades to an insane engagement ring and dress to a steamy nightclub scene and even a helicopter.

Yes, a helicopter, because why not.

"Here’s what my fiancĂ© had to say about the video: 'What the f**k did I just watch' Expertly stated, babe," writes Obaro on Above the Law.

Seriously though, what the f**k did we just watch, and does Kim Kardashian and Kanye know about this yet? We hope they take it as an opportunity to create a one-up response video.

Though Obaro and Jentz have created what might be the most boss wedding video of all time, no official venue or location have been released yet... but oh how we wish we were invited.

Via Jezebel

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