Monday, December 30, 2013

Which TV Shows Does Obama Binge Watch?

In a recent New York Times article Obama revealed what shows he watches to unwind from a busy day at the Oval Office, and it should be no surprise that they are some of the most critically acclaimed series on the air.

Obvious choices like "House of Cards" and "Homeland" made the cut, but also some other cable favorites like "Breaking Bad" and "Game of Thrones" were at the top of Obama's list.

Obama is slowly getting through the DVD boxed sets of "Breaking Bad," and "frequently reminds those around him not to give anything away," reports the Times.

This isn't the first time Obama has talked television. In the past, he has discussed his love for "Homeland" and "Mad Men," and even lighter fare like "Modern Family" and "Parks and Recreation," which he watches with the rest of his family.

Obama also made his love for "House of Cards" so public that Netflix CEO Reed Hastings even offered him a cameo role in the upcoming second season.

While the world of politics may be tumultuous and frustrating, television lovers can rest easy knowing that their president at least has good taste in TV.

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